5 Benefits of Switching to the Hybrid Work Model

(Image Credit: Sigmund on Unsplash)

(Image Credit: Sigmund on Unsplash)

Hybrid work might seem like a brave new concept, but there is no reason to fear it. The hybrid work model offers many advantages for your employees along with the added flexibility to choose to work in the office or remotely. 

The hybrid workplace model provides the chance for employees to work in the office or remotely in order to downsize office space and keep employees safe. While 71% of Canadians believe that the hybrid work model should be the standard for all organizations, there comes the question of why so many employees want this model implemented in the first place.

Hybrid work gives employees the opportunity to work to the best of their ability in the comfort and safety of their own homes as well as during the times that they are most productive. While many employers would prefer if their employees return to the office, there are many reasons why choosing a hybrid model might be the best option for your employees and their overall well-being. 

Here are 5 employee benefits of choosing the hybrid work model. 

1. Increased Happiness Amongst Employees

The first benefit of the hybrid workplace is that it has been improving the happiness level of employees. In a new study from Accenture, 83% of workers in Canada said they preferred the hybrid model and that it would be the optimal work environment. In relation to the psychological benefits from working remotely, employees who were able to work remotely reported feeling happier than their colleagues who remained working in the office. 

Hybrid workplaces also give employees more freedom with when and where they can work and this leads to improved employee satisfaction. With increased employee happiness and satisfaction, this also means employees will be more engaged and focused on their tasks and work objectives.

2. Improved Safety 

Hybrid workplaces promote safety for your employees and greatly reduce the risk of getting COVID-19. Providing employees with the opportunity to work from home in their own personal spaces eliminates the need to have everyone in the office at the same time and makes it easier to keep employees socially distanced while still being productive. 

According to The Canadian HR Reporter, more than 7 in 10 (72%) of employees were worried about taking public transportation and 68% ranked contracting COVID-19 from colleagues coming to work sick or asymptomatic as a top-three concern about returning to the workplace. Hybrid environments are beneficial because they provide the safety that employees want and eliminate the stress and anxiety that comes with going into the office during a global pandemic. 

3. Better Work Relationships

Despite what people might think, the hybrid workplace helps build strong work relationships amongst employees. Hybrid work provides the best of both worlds so your organization can collaborate and meet in person with your colleagues if necessary, while also offering the opportunity to work remotely on individual tasks. 

Solely working from home can create roadblocks in relationship building so having the hybrid model in place can create more opportunities for employees to establish high-quality relationships, strengthen connections, and create trust with others in the office. The hybrid model is an effective way to build relationships while also maintaining the safety of all employees.

4. Improved Mental Health

Another benefit of the hybrid model of work is that it improves your employees’ abilities to manage their mental health. According to Cision and Janet Krstevski, a managing director and Canada Talent & Organization/Human Potential practice lead at Accenture:  

“People who have the option to work in a hybrid model are better able to manage mental health challenges, have stronger work relationships and plan to stay with their companies a long time.” - Janet Krstevski

The hybrid model gives employees the chance to create a work-life balance that works for them and also gives them the freedom to focus on their mental health while getting their work done. Mental health is a top priority and the hybrid model helps to reinforce that message. 

5. More Inclusive and Diverse Work Environments 

The hybrid work model can also provide a wider talent pool for HR to recruit from and offer the opportunity to create more diverse spaces. The increase of technology in the workplace like high-speed internet, video conferencing platforms, and online collaboration software, creates flexibility in terms of where and when people work as well as who can come to the office. 

With distance no longer being a factor with technology and remote work, this opens the door for candidates who might not be able to afford higher rents around city centre offices and also supports those with disabilities who might not be able to commute every day to the office. Hybrid work environments support diversity and can be the solution to creating a more inclusive workplace. 

Switching to the hybrid model of work can positively impact your employees in a number of ways. Focusing on how you can make your employees happy and safe while completing their tasks can be a small step in the right direction not only for your employee’s well-being but also for their overall job satisfaction. Hybrid work is human-centred and might just be the most effective way to build a healthy workplace and culture. 

Want to learn more about hybrid work? Join us on Friday, September 24 at 12:00 p.m. for our next Life Works Well Mentor Circle Back to the Office Now or Never? Click here to register!